Universität Bonn -> Institut für Informatik -> Abteilung V | ||
CS-Reports 1985-1989 | Copyright 1985-1989 Universität Bonn, Institut für Informatik, Abt. V | |
859 27.11.2008 |
Parallel Complexity for Matching Restricted to Degree Defined Graph Classes
Elias Dahlhaus and Marek Karpinski [Download PostScript] [Download PDF] This paper develops on one hand deterministic parallel algorithms (deterministic NC) and proves on the other hand AC0-hardness of the general matching problem for various degree definable graph classes. General matching belongs to randomized NC2 [MVV]. The deterministic parallel status of the general matching problem (NC or NC-hard for P or nothing of both) is unknown. We will prove that the construction of a perfect matching for graphs of an even number of vertices and a minimal degree of |G|/2 can be done in NC2. We shall show that the problem of perfect matching restricted to 2-connected graphs of maximal degree 3, regular 2-connected graphs of degree 4, regular graphs of degree 3, and graphs of minimal degree α|G| for α < 1/2 are AC0-hard for the general matching problem. |
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11/27/08 at 12:31:16
Universität Bonn -> Institut für Informatik -> Abteilung V |