Department of Computer Science
Chair V

University of Bonn -> Department of Computer Science -> Chair V
CS-Reports 2012 Copyright 2012 University of Bonn, Department of Computer Science, Abt. V


Inapproximability of Dominating Set in Power Law Graphs
Mikael Gast, Mathias Hauptmann and Marek Karpinski
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We give logarithmic lower bounds for the approximability of the Minimum Dominating Set problem in connected (α,β)-Power Law Graphs. We give also a best up to now upper approximation bound on the problem for the case of the parameters β > 2. We develop also a new functional method for proving lower approximation bounds and display a sharp phase transition between approximability and inapproximability of the underlying problem. This method could also be of independent interest.

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University of Bonn -> Department of Computer Science -> Chair V