University of Bonn -> Department of Computer Science -> Chair V | ||
CS-Reports 2001 | Copyright 2001 University of Bonn, Department of Computer Science, Abt. V | |
85232 Sep 10, 2001 |
A Simplified Realization of the Hopcroft-Karp Approach to Maximum Matching in General Graphs
Norbert Blum [Download PostScript] [Download PDF] In [2,3], we have reduced the problem of finding an augmenting path in a general graph to a reachability problem in a directed, bipartite graph, and we have shown that a slight modification of depth-first search leads to an algorithm for finding such paths. This new point of view enables us to give a simplified realization of the Hopcroft-Karp approach for the computation of a maximum cardinality matching in general graphs. We show, how to get an O(n+m) implementation of one phase leading to an O(n1/2m) algorithm for the computation of a maximum cardinality matching in general graphs. |
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08/16/04 at 12:32:20
University of Bonn -> Department of Computer Science -> Chair V |